Free EFT Courses Please support me EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
Depression (Symptom)
EFT Meridian Tapping for Depression – Dr. Kim D’Eramo This MindBody prescription helps you release patterns of depression at the core. It’s been shown to change brain activity so you can be free from depression, illness, anxiety and pain and get into wellbeing immediately! MINDYOURBODY Live Well! Dr. Kim D’Eramo Source
EFT Tapping, The Emotional Freedom Technique | Law of Attraction Changed My Life
Something a bit different this week, I hope you enjoy it! With things like this, my intention is simply to introduce the idea to you so you can go and find out more yourself. Please do subscribe if you would like to see more from this channel, I upload a