EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping for Insomnia Here’s a #YouTube I made a few days ago for using #EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for treating #Insomnia. Enjoy! #energyhealing #sleepbetter #sleeping #sleepdisorder #sleepwell #sleepdisorders Source
Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) in Bondi (Thrive With EFT)
Arishma from Thrive With EFT is now at Bondi (Spring Retreat) providing personal consults and also workshops on Saturdays. Call Spring Retreat on (02) 8542 4414 to book your space. Source
804 How to Heal Sexual Abuse Trauma | Sexual Abuse PTSD Gone | Success Story
Julie had been suffering from a very dark and abusive sexual trauma from her past until she tried this neurology-based healing technique. Now she’s free from the trauma of her sexual abuse! Get started with the FREE 7 Day Quickstart course @ Attend a live FasterEFT™ seminar @ How to
Tapping run fast
try one today Source
Emotional Freedom Techniques | Breast Cancer Haven
Make sure you follow Breast Cancer Haven online for all the latest BCH updates, news and stories: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Source