Here is a 5 minute how-to video on using EFT Tapping to alleviate kid’s stress and anxiety (aimed at 5-11yrs). Its a simple self-help technique that helps them to process their emotions and decreases cortisol (stress hormone) levels by deactivating the fight-or-flight response in the brain. Great for confidence/self-image, anxiety,
E.F.T. Emotional Freedom Techniques – La Trousse de Secours
Je vous annonce notre prochain RV “méditation” du 20 avril 2020 et vous parle de la trousse de secours en E.F.T. utilisable par tous. Voici mon adresse mail : ou mon site : www.magné pour plus de renseignements. Source
Tapping into Abundance with Anna Sylvester & Trisha G. x
Please watch: “Sagittarius Sun, Moon & Rising Sign. 01st to 15th January 2020 ” –~– Anna Sylvester has practised EFT, (Emotional Freedom Technique), for nearly twenty years and has seen significant and almost miraculous changes in her clients and herself. At 54 she left the corporate world to pursue EFT
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT is a simple practical tool to help you promote your physical and emotional well being. Source
I accept where I am right now (EFT Tapping)
1-on-1 coaching Join my channel Free Tapping courses EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on positive change. Source
Toxicity, Dental Issues, Infection & Trauma with Oliver Barnett
Oliver Barnett is considered one of the UK’s leading health experts who features regularly in the national press and has lectured at all of the UK’s top nutritional colleges and a number of corporate institutions. He has now worked with over 15,000 patients, helping them regain their health from a myriad
Day 01 – Self-Love DNA & Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
In this first video of the Self-Love Experience, we show you how you can increase and raise your level of Self-Love instantly by using this powerful technique and these 9 statements. Instructions start at 2:40 min. . . Follow this TAPPING PROTOCOL: SELF-LOVE DNA, in progress: THE START You always
How To Deal With Death: Mini EFT Tapping Session
This “mini tap” with Sonya Sophia is to help you cope with emotions and thoughts related to death—whether your own death or someone you love—and feel more at peace. Tapping, also known as EFT, is a simple self-healing technique which uses the body’s energy meridians to rewire our thought patterns
Overcome Social Anxiety Retreat in Bali | April 18 -24
How to overcome social anxiety? Confused about meditation or motivation techniques? Join us starting April 18th in Bali, Indonesia for 7-day Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping retreat: During the transformational workshops, we will use EFT Tapping, Psych-K, 1 on 1’s in front of the group, group tapping, connection building exercises,
EFT Tapping Technique for Deaf people to learn Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT Tapping Technique for Deaf people to learn Emotional Freedom Technique In this video deaf people can now learn how to apply EFT Emotional Freedom Technique and let go bad feelings that have been holding them back in life …. they will easily boost confidence and self esteem just by