Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is an alternative way of offering psychotherapy to patients that have suffered a traumatic experience. By using the body’s energy field, tapping different acupuncture points the patient will be able to reduce the stress and anxiety produced by their trauma or problem. Feel free to
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT Demo #3
Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is an alternative way of offering psychotherapy to patients that have suffered a traumatic experience. By using the body’s energy field, tapping different acupuncture points the patient will be able to reduce the stress and anxiety produced by their trauma or problem. Feel free to
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Fast Stress & Tension Relief
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique for Fast Stress and Tension Relief therapy Source
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique 3, Weight Loss, Inspired By Wellness 12
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique 3, Weight Loss, Inspired By Wellness 12 What is EFT? EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. This simple technique was developed by Gary Craig based upon his studies with Dr. Roger Callahan and it involves tapping a few energy points of the upper body in conjunction
EFT: Bipolar? Tap It Out!
Free EFT Courses Support me EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
EFT Demonstration by Tricia Woolfrey
Learn how to do EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) so that you can manage your emotions and stress on a day to day basis. Simple and effective. Enjoy! PS If you would like to receive a script cheat-sheet, email me at tricia@yourempoweredself.co.uk. It will make your EFT practice easier. Source
Ruth Stern EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques
Ruth Stern, MA, LMHC presents EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques for healing practitioners in a two-day training session. Source
Tapping into the Vortex – EFT with Brad Yates
Spanish subtitles available courtesy of Estela Peña Molatore (Click the CC button under the video) I hope you will enjoy this video and find it beneficial, and that you will share it with others. This is certainly not intended to be a comprehensive handling of the subject — I can
EFT Tapping – Effortless Manifesting: Relax and Allow
to join the FREE 21 Days of Tapping Into Abundance Masterclass to create wealth, success and freedom and live life on your terms. Wealth and Success don’t happen by accident. By using these tools, strategies and techniques, including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping) and Sound Healing, you can dramatically shift
EFT Tapping for Powerlessness
to achieve wealth, success, freedom and live life on your terms. Wealth and Success don’t happen by accident. By using these tools, strategies and techniques, including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping) and Sound Healing, you can dramatically shift your consciousness around wealth, money, abundance and success and achieve the life