Click subscribe for new videos posted every Friday! Have you been feeling like you’re spinning, confused, aimless? Take just a moment to center yourself and find your peace with this simple to follow EFT Tapping round, led by author, speaker and spiritual teacher Cat RunningElk. so you can move forward
Emotional freedom technique with switch word for food craving
how to tap away carvings with eft(emotional freedom technique)emotional freedom technique and switch word for food carvings I hope you will find this video beneficial, and that you will share it with others. today i will tell you how to stop your cravings for food with eft technique.eft wit switch
EFT Tapping for Happiness and Inner Peace (Subconscious Reprogramming)
This video is designed to help you experience relief from unhappiness and feelings of sadness or disappointment associated with imagining that your expectations will not be met in a way that would otherwise bring about feelings of happiness. Tapping for happiness will help you become aware of the underlying root
A meditation expert shows her stress relief ‘tapping’ exercise which you can do in 2 minutes
Business Insider spoke to Jody Shield, a meditation guru and author, about techniques to relieve stress. She explained her “tapping” exercise, which she uses to “tap on the feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed out.” The exercise consists of a series of tapping movements on various parts of the body
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Fast Stress & Tension Relief
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique for Fast Stress and Tension Relief therapy Source
Past Life Regression, Kundalini Reiki/ Yoga & Emotional Freedom Technique with Shirley Tay
Shirley Tay is a multi-disciplinary spiritual teacher and practitioner. She specialises in Past Life Regression Therapy and teaching Kundalini Reiki/Yoga & Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). You may find out more and contact her at her website at Source
Anxiety Treatment Paisley: (2018) Emotional Freedom (EFT) Technique Part 2, tapping
Emotional Freedom (EFT) Technique Part 2, tapping for anxiety, stress and pain relief. This technique is very useful for controlling anxiety, cravings and stress relief. My office is in Paisley which is very near to Glasgow and there is ample free parking here. Please call me on 01413742382 for help
EFT Tapping for Powerlessness
to achieve wealth, success, freedom and live life on your terms. Wealth and Success don’t happen by accident. By using these tools, strategies and techniques, including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping) and Sound Healing, you can dramatically shift your consciousness around wealth, money, abundance and success and achieve the life
3 Principles That Can Give You True Emotional Freedom – Sandy Newbigging
Book tickets to Ignite here: In this video bestselling author and meditation teacher Sandy Newbigging shares three principles which, once grasped, will help to give you the life you want. Source
EFT & Subliminal Affirmations -Positive Thought Therapy
Do Not Use if you suffer from Visual Disturbances or Epilepsy or Need help with Self-limiting Beliefs which hold you back in achieving what you want in life and or cause you to feel anxious, stressed, tense and maybe even depressed.. Feel free to use this video which offers you