[Inscrições abertas] CURSO ONLINE Fundamentos do Trauma Psicológico com Sunita Pattani: Tem algum tipo trauma que não consegue aliviar em sua vida? Descubra quais são os tipo de de traumas e como trabalhá-los com Sunita Pattani, psicoterapeuta e professora de terapias energéticas da Quantum Academy. _________________________________ LINKS RELACIONADOS: [E-book Gratuito]
PHILOSOPHY – René Descartes
Rene Descartes is perhaps the world’s best known-philosopher, in large part because of his pithy statement, ‘I think therefore I am.’ He stands out as an example of what intellectual self-confidence can bring us. Please subscribe here: If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship
Focused On Attracting More Income (EFT Tapping)
Free EFT Courses Support The Channel – EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
EFT Tapping: Stressed & Distracted
Free EFT Courses Support The Channel – EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
EFT Tapping: What’s Your Worry?
Free EFT Courses Support The Channel – EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
Hate Cold Calling? (EFT Tapping)
Free EFT Courses £50 Skype Sessions Support me EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
EFT Tapping: Motivation 30-Day Challenge
Free EFT Courses £50 Skype Sessions Support me EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
EFT: Bipolar? Tap It Out!
Free EFT Courses Support me EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
EFT Tapping: Self Criticism 30-Day Challenge
Free EFT Courses Please support me EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source
EFT Tapping Create Abundance Affirmations David Childerley (2012 re-edit)
Free EFT Courses Please support me EFT Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is a personal development technique approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is like acupuncture but without the needles. In simple terms, acupuncture points are tapped while the mind focuses on change. Source