how to tap away carvings with eft(emotional freedom technique)emotional freedom technique and switch word for food carvings I hope you will find this video beneficial, and that you will share it with others. today i will tell you how to stop your cravings for food with eft technique.eft wit switch
Rolling with Emma: Tapping with Tiffanie Williams
Spiritual translator Emanuelle “Emma” McIntosh interviews EFT practioner Tiffanie Williams about the fascinating technique of EFT or tapping and shares her own experiences, spiritual guidance and wisdom. Tiffianie Williams : Emanuelle McIntosh : Music Sunny by Source
TAPPING DEMONSTRATION Emotional Freedom Technique EFT Healing Negative Energy from the past.
Tapping Demonstration Emotional Freedom Technique EFT Similar to Acupressure, Acupuncture, and the Healing Code. Hands on healing. Heal negative emotional baggage from the past. Learn how to transform negative energy into positive energy to manifest the life you desire. We are Creators PLAYLIST Trucking with Jim PLAYLIST We Are Creators
Soulful EFT & Allowing Joy
I include Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) at I’m an Advanced Practitioner of this transformational modality. EFT is available in 1 to 1 sessions via Skype with me. Source