Click subscribe for new videos posted every Friday! Have you been feeling like you’re spinning, confused, aimless? Take just a moment to center yourself and find your peace with this simple to follow EFT Tapping round, led by author, speaker and spiritual teacher Cat RunningElk. so you can move forward
Freedom from emotional problems… tapping! Dr Gallo talks about how he coined the term energy psychology and what tapping can do for you. Christina Bucher is a journalist/actress based in the UK. Her film Knight Knight is available online. WATCH NOW: Source
427 HOW TO TAP – The Faster EFT Basic Recipe by Founder Robert Smith
Robert Smith, EFT Master, Creator of Faster EFT, has been tapping for more than 17 years and has added a lot to this healing modality. He is providing the skills and techniques to people all over the world, so they can start to really enjoy life. Healing your life begins
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique 2, Money, Inspired By Wellness 11
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique 2, Money, Inspired By Wellness 11 What is EFT? EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. This simple technique was developed by Gary Craig based upon his studies with Dr. Roger Callahan and it involves tapping a few energy points of the upper body in conjunction with