Tapping Away Limiting Beliefs Around Money | EFT Tapping And Money

In this EFT tapping for money video demonstration, Dawson Church works with an EFT workshop participant on his subconscious beliefs about making money and success.

See how the participant believes that making money is only done through hard work–that making money is hard based on childhood events. Sometimes besides your best efforts to succeed and grow financially, you end up failing.

Dawson shows how you can use tapping for money blocks to reach financial success and heal those traumatic moments in your past that support your beliefs about money and success that keep you locked in your negative perception about making money and creating wealth.

EFT Borrowing Benefits

One of the most profound discoveries in EFT in the early part of the twenty-first century was the phenomenon called “Borrowing Benefits.” It’s the discovery that simply watching someone else do EFT tapping on their issues, while tapping along with them, can help you reduce the emotional intensity of your own issues.

Borrowing Benefits was first noted by EFT practitioners. They reported that, rather than feeling exhausted after a day working with clients, they were energized. Their own emotional problems seemed to have melted away, even though they weren’t working on the same issues as their clients.

You can receive the emotional advantages of Borrowing Benefits by watching this video on tapping for financial abundance and tapping along.

Here are the instructions for Borrowing Benefits:

1. Pick an issue you’d like to work on. Write down a brief name for the issue in 1 to 3 words.

2. Rate your degree of emotional distress on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being no intensity and 10 being the maximum intensity. Write down your number.

3. Identify a part of your body in which you feel the sensation associated with that number, and write down the name of that particular body location.

4. Recall an event in your life when you felt that feeling in your body. Pick the event that occurred the earliest in your life, if possible.

5. Start tapping through the EFT points, as soon as the video session starts, and keep tapping till the end. When the person onscreen states their issue, state your issue instead.

6. When the video is done, usually in 5 to 20 minutes, think about the issue, tune into that same part of your body, and rate your degree of emotional distress a second time. Write down your new number.

You’ll usually find your number dropping substantially. If it doesn’t, then pick another specific incident in your life most identified with that feeling in your body, and repeat the process.

To learn more about EFT tapping for success visit EFTUniverse @


Discover more about EFT and energy work with our resources:

Free 60 Page EFT Tapping Mini-Manual. Learn what EFT is, what it can help, and how to do it. Click here:

Skinny Genes: Discover how to use EFT and energy work to achieve healthy weight loss. Click here:

Energy Psychology Certification: Become a certified Energy Psychology Practitioner and earning a fantastic income helping people with energy work. Click here:

Tapping Deep Intimacy: Discover how to use EFT to improve relationships. Clear away resentment and break through to peace. Click here:
